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Speed Addiction & Treatment

Speed, otherwise known as amphetamine or pep, is a laboratory-manufactured chemical with stimulating properties on the brain and muscles. It can provide energy boosts, increased heart rate and appetite suppression – making it an attractive party drug to stay awake for long hours at a time.

Speed usually comes in white powder form that has been snorted up the nose but ingestion or injection are also possible consumption routes.

Understanding the risks of speed addiction

Unfortunately, along with its short- term benefits come numerous risks of physical harm such as overheating and serious cardiac issues; users may find themselves unable to stop due to mental addiction too.

At Connection Mental Healthcare, we are committed to aiding individuals struggling with speed addiction. We understand the serious consequences associated with dependence on this substance and therefore provide professional help designed for a full recovery journey.

Our compassionate approach is tailored to each individual’s needs and ensures that you can enjoy life again after treatment has been completed successfully.

Effects, symptoms and risks of speed addiction

Speed creates a host of difficult physical and psychological effects. Signs such as stiff jaws, dilated pupils and heightened alertness are visible externally – while internally users often experience feeling energetic but yet unable to sleep or eat normally.

In some cases agitation can lead to fear or aggression with feelings of panic not uncommon during use. The day after usually brings an unwelcome wave of tiredness that can easily turn into sadness and depression.

Why treatment is needed

When speed addiction takes hold, it can quickly consume a person’s life. A strong desire for only using speed gives the false impression of increased energy and well-being; however, this is short lived as nights with little or no sleep become common over days – even weeks.

Responsibilities such as work, school, plus relationships with family and friends often take a backseat to using drugs like amphetamine derivatives in an attempt to maintain feelings of euphoria while pushing away negative emotions. Eventually dependence sets in so deeply that breaking free may seem impossible without appropriate treatment options available.

Side effects of speed addiction

Prolonged consumption of speed has dangerous potential side effects, including elevated body temperature that can cause dehydration and increased stress on the heart leading to cardiac arrhythmias – even a potentially fatal heart attack or cerebral haemorrhage.

Users may experience extreme weight loss as well as depression, psychoses and vision problems such as fatigue paired with involuntary muscle twitching. In addition, users may suffer severe damage to their nose due to snorting powder-form stimulants like amphetamines in an attempt to gain faster results from taking this drug.

Get in touch today

Struggling with speed addiction can be overwhelming, but don’t despair – help is available. Connection Mental Healthcare understands the effects of substance abuse and offers experienced support for those looking to break free from this dependency.

Take that first step today! If you need any questions answered or advice on what steps to take next, our staff are standing by ready to provide assistance in a respectful environment without judgement.

Frequently asked questions about speed addiction

If there is a long period in which a lot of speed has been used on a structural basis, there is a good chance that someone has become dependent on the substance. Dependence on speed can lead to serious psychological and physical complaints and even death.

At Connection Mental Healthcare we offer professional help with speed addiction. We help our clients to stop speed in a medically responsible and committed manner. Thanks to our personal approach, our clients can return to life in a full way after the treatment.

At Connection Mental Healthcare, we understand the damaging effects of speed dependency. Prolonged use of speed can lead to serious physical and mental health problems. 

Our team of medical professionals are committed to providing the best care to those suffering from a speed addiction. We provide personalised treatment plans that are tailored to each individual’s unique needs and challenges. Our approach is both medically responsible and compassionate – we help our clients take back control over their lives by providing them with the tools they need in order to stop using speed.

Connection Mental Healthcare is a private rehab. Our rates vary depending on the length of treatment and on what kind of accommodation you prefer.

We offer shared room accommodation, and private room accommodation depending on availability. The minimum length of treatment is 28 days; however, 42 days is advised. Please contact us for more information and we will make sure that we respond to you within 24 hours.

If you have registered with Connection Mental Healthcare for help with a speed addiction, you have already taken the most important step towards reclaiming your life. Our team of specialists has extensive experience in treating and rehabilitating speed addiction, and we understand the complexity of this issue very well. Drug addiction is a serious issue that can be treated effectively in our clinic. 

Our experienced Dutch and South African counsellors focus on helping our patients get their usage of addictive substances under control, as well as helping them learn how to prevent relapses. During the initial intake assessment, our professionals will map out individual needs and degree of addiction so that a personalised treatment plan can be developed to best meet the patient’s needs.

Symptoms of speed addiction:

  • Only speed gives someone energy and a good feeling.
  • Some nights there is little or no sleep, this can sometimes last for days in a row.
  • Neglect work, school, and relationships with friends and family.
  • Don’t think you can do without speed anymore.
  • Most activities take place in combination with the use of speed.

Risks of speed addiction:

  • Speed ​​increases body temperature and this will lead to overheating and dehydration.
  • Speed ​​is very stressful for the heart and blood vessels. This can lead to cardiac arrhythmias, a heart attack and cerebral haemorrhages.
  • Serious weight loss.
  • A greater risk of depression or psychoses.
  • Severe damage to the nose.
  • Vision problems, fatigue and muscle twitching.

Talk to the speed addict at a well-chosen time, so not when he or she has used. Bring up the drug use in a non-accusatory way. Ask how the addict prefers to be supported and make agreements for the future on the basis of this. Express your appreciation for what is going well.

Being close to someone who is addicted to speed causes stress. You may feel guilty, angry, or very lonely. It is best to admit that it is no longer possible, that you are at the end of your strength. It is not easy to come to the conclusion that outside help is needed.

Get in touch

Do you want a listening ear and are you curious about what Connection Mental Healthcare can do for you? Please contact us by phone during working days on 021 541 0643.

Scientific research has shown that parts of the brain, such as the reward centre, memory and the neocortex, are involved in the onset and further progression of addiction. Stopping a substance to which you are addicted is therefore not at all easy because your own brain cells are bothering you.

Moreover, long-term use of Speed ​​ensures a permanent change: fewer dopamine receptors are produced and powerful memories are created. These changes make a person even more susceptible to addiction. With this knowledge you could call Speed ​​addiction a (mental) disease.

Drug use is a topic that has been widely researched over the past few decades. Studies have shown there to be a hereditary component to drug addiction, which means that if one of your parents is or was an addict, you may have an increased risk of becoming addicted yourself. This doesn’t mean that you’re guaranteed to develop an addiction, however; environmental factors are important in reducing the level of susceptibility and should not be overlooked.

It’s important to recognize that addiction is often referred to as a “family disease”, impacting not only the addict but also those around them. For this reason, Connection Mental Healthcare places particular emphasis on involving family members and friends in treatment plans for addicts. Doing so allows these individuals to learn how to deal with the repercussions of their loved one’s addiction and helps promote healing within the social environment.

For more information about our family program, please contact us during working days on 021 541 0643. uses cookies to give you the best experience on our website. These first-party and third-party cookies enable important functionality to operate, help us monitor and improve how the website works and for marketing purposes. By clicking 'Accept All' you accept all cookies from this website.