Contact Us

Do you have a question or would you like advice? Or do you want to sign up for an intake interview?

When you fill in the contact form below, we will contact you as soon as possible. You can also reach us by telephone on working days between 08:30 and 17:00 on number 021 541 0643. This way you can immediately speak to one of our employees.

*The personal data you provide will always remain strictly confidential*

Why choose Connection addiction care?

  • Minimal waiting times
  • Specialised and personalised program
  • Proven effective treatment plans
  • Tailor-made aftercare process
  • Outstanding family support program
  • Available in both the Netherlands and South Africa

Contact form – how can we help you?

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How can we help?


I want help

Finding help can be daunting, however if you’re driven to change your situation we are here for you.

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For referrers

As a professional, you play an important role in helping your clients get the care they need for any addiction.

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My neighbor is addicted

Experiencing the addiction of a loved one can be an extremely difficult situation.

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Current waiting times

We prioritise providing you the help and resources in your time of need–which is why our waiting times are minimised.

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