Gaming addiction treatment
If it feels impossible to stop playing despite numerous attempts, or even when games have lost their appeal; if stress from real life activities is driving you into game-playing binges and encouraging poor self-care habits – such as not getting enough sleep and eating poorly; if turning away from face time interactions leaves a void that can only be filled by virtual friends then maybe it’s time recognise this pattern.
Addressing relationship tension caused by gaming addiction
Have you noticed that your gaming behaviour is causing tension in relationships with those around you?
Even if it’s difficult to acknowledge, our team would love the opportunity to hear more about what may be driving this addiction. If any questions arise related to your gaming habits or concerns for yourself or someone close by – don’t hesitate; reach out and share them with us today.
Understanding the nature of gaming addiction
Addiction to gaming is a multifaceted phenomenon related to many personal medical, psychological and social factors. Experiencing or coping with major events such as the loss of loved ones or traumatic experiences can often lead people towards unregulated online play.
Gaming may provide an escape from difficult emotions in real life by providing comfort through customisable virtual worlds where individuals are able to have power over their environment without fear of judgement or confrontation.
People on the autism spectrum also find that certain game environments offer improved control and visibility which help them cope better than being out in public settings might allow for some individuals’ needs.