MDMA is a powerful amphetamine known for its stimulant and psychoactive effects. Popularly referred to as the “party drug”, MDMA can be taken in pill, powder or crystal form and has been linked with feelings of energy, happiness and euphoria.

However, users should note that use of this chemical agent can have serious mental health repercussions including possible dependence on it; physical risks include mild-to-severe discomfort from side effects such as dehydration.

MDMA addiction

At Connection Mental Healthcare we understand the harsh realities of an MDMA addiction. We are committed to helping those suffering from a dependency on this substance so they can return to life and experience renewed health, physically and mentally.

Our professional team provides personalised help, in order for you or your loved one’s journey back into wholesome living with our medically responsible approach.

Effects and symptoms of MDMA addiction

MDMA has a range of effects, from increased energy and euphoria to difficulty urinating. There can also be jaw-clenching as well as sweating, tense muscles or nausea during the experience. Further still, many people report feeling down and depressed in the days following its use.

An individual’s addiction to MDMA not only prevents them from enjoying a night out without it, but also affects their work performance and relationships with loved ones. They may find themselves in an endless cycle of trying to quit yet struggling against the compulsion for more use.

Why choose Connection Mental Healthcare?

  • Minimal waiting times
  • Specialised and personalised program
  • Proven effective treatment plans
  • Tailor-made aftercare process
  • Outstanding family support program

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Risks of MDMA addiction

MDMA addiction can lead to a multitude of dangerous risks, including but not limited to brain damage and heart problems, serotonin deficiency leading to chronic tiredness and depression, tooth erosion caused by grinding the teeth during use or intense jaw clenching while on MDMA; anxiety and panic attacks coupled with permanent liver damage due potentially fatal overheating incidents are possible.

In extreme cases overdoses have been known to result in death.

Struggling with an MDMA addiction?

Don’t hesitate to take the first step.

Connection Mental Healthcare  specialises in treating addicts and understands how difficult it can be to break free from this habit – we offer a safe haven that is both respectful and effective, providing you with all the necessary support needed for complete recovery.

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Frequently asked questions about MDMA addiction

What is an MDMA addiction?
When do you have an MDMA addiction?
What does a treatment cost?
How do you treat an MDMA addiction?
What are symptoms of MDMA addiction?
What are the risks of MDMA addiction?
How do you deal with an MDMA addict?
Is MDMA addiction a disease?
Is MDMA addiction hereditary?