Cocaine addiction symptoms
Cocaine addiction can cause a drastic decline in school or work performance, accompanied by frequent promises to quit and an unwillingness to admit that there is an issue.
These psychological symptoms are compounded by financial loss, weight loss due to excessive consumption, recurrent colds resulting from use of the drug nasally as well as anxiety attacks and mood swings. Additionally, insomnia often results from cocaine abuse.
Risks associated with cocaine addiction
Cocaine addiction presents many dangerous risks with far-reaching consequences.
Not only can it lead to cardiac arrhythmias and even a heart attack, but users may experience long term physical damage such as deterioration of their bronchial system and teeth, or deep emotional trauma resulting in feelings of powerlessness, anger or sadness. It carries the potential for job loss, mounting debts and criminal prosecution – all culminating potentially in death.
Struggling with cocaine addiction can be a difficult and isolating experience. Recognising that there is an issue at hand and seeking help is the first step in taking control of your life.
Our team of experienced professionals understand what it takes to overcome even the strongest addictions – offering professional care, respect, understanding without judgement as part of our recovery process. Take back your power today!