Gambling can be an exhilarating hobby, but it can quickly turn dangerous when addiction takes hold. Gambling addiction can be difficult to detect, however its hold on an individual only grows stronger with continued use.

A severe gambling problem is typically seen in individuals who find themselves more and more captivated by the thrill of winning or losing money through games of luck-based chance. As time passes this scenario may become all too familiar creating a dangerous cycle that requires professional help to break free from.

Understanding the risks of gambling addiction

Problem gambling is an issue that affects a broad spectrum of society, but manifests in individuals through loss of control and significant investments of both time and money.

From classic casino games to online poker matches – from scratch cards to sports betting – it’s hard not to get caught up with the excitement when tempting luck-based activities are at your fingertips.

The destructive power of gambling addiction

Gambling can quickly become a powerful vice that takes over an addict’s life. Its effects on the workplace and relationships are particularly overwhelming, with missed days of work or unpaid debts to family members often leading to devastating consequences in furthering addiction cycles.

For millennia, gambling has been an irresistible way to make money – from emperors and monarchs of the past all the way up until today. The latest figures show a dramatic increase in consumption by nearly 12% across Europe between 2015-2018. Growing interest is undeniable as evidenced by a growth in production value above 11%. Gambling’s magical appeal continues to captivate people around us looking for their big break!

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Why is gambling addictive?

Gambling can be a tricky pastime – while it might start out innocently enough, an individual may find themselves quickly addicted and unable to control their behaviour. So how does this cycle begin?

Unfortunately, due to the complex nature of addiction only a small proportion of people who gamble develop gambling problems despite everyone having the potential risk for dependence.

There are three factors that lead to gambling addiction:

  1. Gambling may have biological underpinnings, as evidenced by research that points to genetic, neurocognitive and neurobiological factors influencing an individual’s vulnerability for the development of this disorder. Messenger substances found in the brain are one such factor; their amount is determined genetically and appears more frequently among problem gamblers (Goudriaan & DeFuentes-Merillas, 2012). Collectively these findings suggest biological elements might play a role in problematic gaming behaviour.
  2. Gambling addiction may be linked to various psychological factors, with research demonstrating the increased likelihood of pathological gamblers having mental health issues and/or substance abuse. There are several mechanisms that play a role in its addictive potential: variable reinforcement ratio involved in gambling games like slots and roulette; expectation for near-misses; cognitive illusions related to excessive focus on profits. It has been discovered that there is an even higher risk when it comes to activities such as playing slot machines frequently or participating at casinos regularly due their shorter pay-out intervals.
  3. As societal influences play a major role in promoting problem gambling and gaming addiction, those living close to casinos or from deprived regions are particularly affected. These impacts have further been exacerbated with the laws governing more accessible gambling facilities leading to heightened chances of developing such issues. While traditionally viewed independently, recent years suggest that games and games of chance on the internet may be intertwined; this coalescence potentially elevates risk for some through mutual advertising as well as similarities between real-world wagering formats and virtual ones.

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Effects and symptoms of a gambling addiction

Do you or a loved one suspect that there may be an addiction to gambling? A few symptoms of problem gambling include consistently not having enough money, thinking constantly about the next game, getting angry when confronted on their activities and neglecting social responsibilities.

Gambling addicts usually deny they have any issues despite failing attempts at reducing or stopping altogether. They often place too much faith in chance rather than skill and continue playing for extended periods with high stakes involved.

Monetarily stabilising oneself is difficult but worthwhile if someone wishes to break free from this affliction.

Risks of a gambling addiction

Gambling is a dangerous and addictive behaviour that can have serious repercussions on an individual’s life. The psychological dependence associated with gambling often leads to destructive behaviours such as lying, dishonesty and committing crimes in order to acquire money for bets or games of chance.

Furthermore, it has been known to cause extreme social problems like isolation from family members and friends which only serves to create bigger issues later down the line when trying reconnecting with people due to feelings of guilt or shame caused by previous actions related gambling activities.

Lastly withdrawal symptoms may also occur upon ceasing these types of habits including headaches , unrestful sleeping patterns , fatigue vibration perspiration among other dreadful side effects best avoided at all cost avoid any major mishaps.

Coping with a loved one's gambling addiction

The impact of gambling addiction can be devastating and far-reaching, affecting not only the addict but those closest to them.

Even though you may feel helpless in this situation, it is crucial to remember that there are measures you can take to break out of the vicious cycle – namely changing your own behaviour towards their problem in order to help both yourself and loved ones manage better.

It’s a difficult journey yet one worth taking so as to ultimately find peace again with a healthier balance between life and addiction.

Gambling addiction treatment

At Connection Mental Healthcare, we know that breaking a gambling addiction requires dedication and commitment. Our team offers professional help with respect and no judgement, to those seeking recovery from any form of gambling-related dependency, including poker addictions.

We have the experience necessary for effective treatment at our rehabilitation clinic in South Africa; opening the door towards lasting abstinence  and better living conditions. Our team of Dutch & South African specialists is here to help.

We provide tailored treatment plans designed to fit your individual needs, offering effective strategies to permanently stop and to prevent relapse – all while providing compassionate support during every step of your journey. Stop waiting- call us now at 040-3035023 so we can start helping you build a life free from dependence!


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Frequently asked questions about gambling addiction

What is a gambling addiction?
When are you addicted to gambling?
Am I addicted to gambling? Ask your questions here: 021 541 0643
Do you need help? Contact us directly: 021 541 0643
What does a treatment cost?
How do you treat gambling addiction?
Why is gambling addictive?
What are the symptoms of a gambling addiction?
What are the risks of gambling addiction?
How do you deal with a gambling addict?
Is gambling addiction a disease?
Is gambling addiction hereditary?